perm filename SOURCE.FLS[X,AIL] blob
sn#131824 filedate 1974-11-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
HEAD[S,AIL] ;SAIL source
FOO2, ;SAIL source -- declares runtime routines
HEL, ;productions
SAIL, ;source file (compiler)
PARSE, ;source (compiler)
PROD, ;output of ptran
RESTAB, ;output of RTRAN
SYM, ;source file (compiler)
GEN, ;source (compiler)
ARRAY, ;source (compiler)
EXPRS, ;ditto
STATS, ;ditto
LEAP, ;ditto
TOTAL, ;ditto
PROCSS, ;ditto
COMSER, ;ditto
GOGOL, ;source (runtimes)
TRIGS, ;ditto
STRSER, ;ditto
IOSER, ;ditto
ARYSER, ;ditto
UP, ;ditto -- sets a switch
LOW, ;ditto
TAILOR, ;used to make a segment
LEPRUN, ;source for runtimes
WRDGET, ;ditto
RECSER, ;ditto
NWORLD, ;ditto
SPARES, ;ditto
ORDER ;used to make library